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Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act (FERPA)

University Policy Information

Student records at the University of Utah are governed by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). The following is a description of the rights of students and their parents under these regulations.

The Act forbids the University from releasing personal identifiable student educational records or files, or personal information contained in those files, without the student's written consent, except in specified situations.

The act extends to students and former students of the University the "right to inspect and review" their educational records. The University has established procedures for granting a student's request for access to his/her records within a reasonable time (no more than 45 days). Educational records do not include sole possession notes held privately by faculty and other academic staff.

For more information about FERPA, please refer to the Student Handbook

Consent to Release (FERPA PIN)

Students may allow information be released to specific individuals by completing the online Consent to Release Form located securely within the Campus Information Services. To access the form, you may log into your CIS account and find the "FERPA Consent to Release Form" link located in the Student Records box. In this form, you will be able to create a FERPA PIN for your designated individuals. 

How to Create a FERPA PIN
  1. Login to Campus Information Services (CIS).
  2. In the drop down menu, select the student homepage.
  3. Go to the tile with your name and university ID (unid) and click on "FERPA Consent to Release Form". 
  4. Read the FERPA Consent to Release Form completely.
  5. Select the Financial Aid/Scholarship/Income Accounting box and any other department you wish to have your FERPA PIN associated with.
  6. Create a PIN.
  7. Complete the release information section. In this section, you will enter the name of your designated person(s), relationship to them, and their email address. 
  8. Click save to complete the process.
  9. You can now give your FERPA PIN to the individuals you designated on the form. They need to have your student ID number (UNID) and your FERPA PIN to access your records.


Last Updated: 4/19/22