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Appeal Process

Students have the right to appeal any decision made by the Financial Aid and Scholarships Office. However, the decision of the appeals committee is final, and no exceptions can be made for requests in violation of the Federal and State regulations, which govern financial aid.

Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Standard Violations


In order to be considered for financial aid funds for a given semester, you must submit your appeal by the appropriate deadline:

  • Fall Semester-November 1
  • Spring Semester-March 15
  • Summer Semester-June 15 

If you believe that there were exceptional or unusual circumstances beyond your control, which caused you to violate one or more of the SAT standards, you have the right to submit a written appeal. Such circumstances may include the death of a family member, or serious illness or injury to the student or an immediate family member.

The appeal must include:

  • Satisfactory Academic Progress Appeal Form
  • Personal Statement indicating what caused you to violate the SAT policy AND what has changed that will allow you to meet the SAT standards after the next semester. For Maximum Time Frame, also include an expected graduation date.
  • Supporting Documentation
  • For Maximum Time Frame, a letter from your department indicating the progress you are making towards earning a degree, the number of credit hours and specific courses needed to complete the degree, and your expected graduation date. If you have more than one major or a minor, you must provide a letter from each academic department.

    Academic Plan: If you are unable to reach the required SAT standards by the end of the semester you are appealing, you must submit an academic plan outlining the steps you will take to reach the minimum SAT standards by a specific point in time. Some examples may include a reduced course load, a minimum GPA for a certain number of terms, completion of 100% of all courses, or a degree outline.

  • If the appeal is successful, students must adhere to their academic plan. These conditions will be monitored by the Financial Aid and Scholarships Office. The approved academic plan will be listed in the appeal approval notification.
  • Students who have an appeal approved on an academic plan may experience delays in receiving funds the following term because the previous terms grades will be need to checked for compliance with the outlined plan.

Unusual Circumstances Affecting Financial Need

If you or your family has unusual circumstances (such as loss of employment or major medical expenses) that might affect your need for student financial aid, we invite you to discuss your circumstances with a financial aid counselor. The counselor can determine whether your circumstances warrant special consideration, and will provide you with the forms necessary to submit an appeal. 

Last Updated: 4/19/22