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Deferment & Leave of Absence


Newly accepted freshman, transfer, or readmitted degree-seeking undergraduate students who wish to defer their start date to a later semester may apply for an admission deferment through the Office of Admissions. Requests to defer an offer of admission will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis and may be granted for reasons including, but not limited to illness, military service, and humanitarian or religious service. If deferment is approved, the University will defer some scholarships for up to seven consecutive semester (including summers). Scholarships will not be considered for deferment unless a student has and official deferment of an offer of admission approved by the Office of Admissions. However, not all scholarships qualify for deferment. Please contact the University Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid (UOSFA) at the University of Utah if you are unsure if your scholarship qualifies for deferment.

The UOSFA will be notified of official deferments for those students that were offered a scholarship through the Office of Admissions. Each student’s scholarship is reviewed for deferment eligibility. Students will be receive a letter from the UOSFA indicating if the scholarship deferment has been approved or denied.

Please contact the UOSFA if a scholarship deferment letter is not received.

Learn more or apply for deferment with the University of Utah


Leave of Absence

A Leave of Absence allows degree-seeking undergraduate students who have registered for and completed university credit classes to request an extension of their enrollment eligibility for a maximum period of seven consecutive semesters (including summers) to be reviewed on a case-by-case basis by the Office of the Registrar. Students must indicate on the Leave of Absence application that they would like the UOSFA to be notified of the decision, in order for a scholarship to be held for the period of leave. Scholarships cannot be held for a period of leave without first being officially approved for a Leave of Absence by the Office of the Registrar. However, not all scholarships qualify or will be approved for a Leave of Absence. Please contact the UOSFA at the University of Utah if you questions whether your situation will qualify for scholarship deferment.

The UOSFA will be apprised of an official Leave of Absence for those students that requested on the Leave of Absence application to provide notification. Each student’s scholarship is reviewed for leave of absence eligibility. Students will be receive a letter from the UOSFA indicating if the scholarship Leave of Absence has been approved or denied. Please contact the UOSFA if a scholarship deferment letter is not received.

Learn more about a Leave of Absence with the University of Utah and directions on how to apply


Scholarship Reinstatement

If your scholarship was approved for a deferral or leave of absence from the University Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid, it will be reinstated for the requested semester. Please contact the UOSFA if you have any questions about your deferment or leave of absence. 

Deferred Student Checklist from the Office of Admissions
Leave of Absence Information from the Office of the Registrar


Last Updated: 4/19/22