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Repeated Coursework

Important notice regarding repeated coursework:

Please be advised, new federal regulations may prohibit a student from receiving financial aid for repeating coursework. If you have already taken a course and have questions whether financial aid will cover a repeat, please contact our office. You may also refer to the Q & A section below.

Q: If I previously received an E (which is a failing grade) in a course, how many times can I retake that course and still receive federal financial aid?

A: You may include any repetition of a course, as long as you have never passed the course. If you previously passed the course, you may include one repetition after passing. Any second or subsequent repetition of the passed course may not be included in your enrollment status for the purpose of receiving federal financial aid.

Q: If I received an E the first time I took a course, and then I passed with a D, how many times can I take the course to improve the D grade and still received federal financial aid?

A: Once, please see explanation above.

Q: If I received a D, then I retook the course and received an E, while receiving federal financial aid, can I retake the course a third time and receive aid?

A: No, because the course was already taken once and a passed grade was received. Federal aid helped pay for the course the second time, but it was failed. Federal aid will not cover the course for a third time in this situation, because it already paid for one passed course and one repeat.

Last Updated: 4/19/22